M.S. in Commerce

The Master of Science in Commerce Program at McIntire is a one-year, 40-credit-hour program designed to help recent liberal arts, science, and engineering graduates transform their intellectual and academic skill sets into focused business expertise. Four specialty tracks are offered in Business Analytics, Finance, Marketing & Management, and Biotechnology.

The program features an integrated core curriculum, specialty tracks, and a Global Immersion Experience. Previous locations included Europe; Latin America; Southeast Asia, Greater China; the Middle East, India and Asia; and Australia and New Zealand.

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Jobs Analysis

Salary by Program Concentration
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* Based on those who accepted an offer and reported a salary, concentration, and a job function.

** If no columns display, it indicates fewer than three student responses reported.

Jobs by Business Function
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* Based on those who accepted an offer and reported a salary, concentration, and a job function.

** If no columns display, it indicates fewer than three student responses reported.

Jobs by U.S. City

Zoom into the map for a detailed look at the location data
and hover over the data points for additional information.

* Based on those who accepted a job offer and reported a salary and a location.

** International locations, if reported by students, are not displayed.

*** States/regions with fewer than three student responses reported will display $0.

Job Offer Analysis

Accepted Offers & Job Offer Source

* Based on students who accepted an offer and also reported an offer source and an industry.

Accepted Offers & Timing of Job Offer
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* Based on students who accepted an offer and also reported an offer-received date and an industry.